مال و أعمال

Applying for an Online Personal Loan

Applying for an Online Personal Loan

Applying for an Online Personal Loan
Applying for an Online Personal Loan

Do you want to start building your life, and can you apply for an online personal loan? Or do you want to start your own project, but your financial situation does not allow you to do so?

Don’t worry, dear reader, you can apply for an online personal loan, and thus you can start financing your project.

This is what we will discuss in our next article.

It is worth mentioning that many young people feel frustrated due to their inability to finance their own projects, given the conditions required by some banks.

However, now you can get a personal loan for the unemployed by applying for an online personal loan through the Alahly Bank.

It is also worth mentioning that you can also request immediate online financing as quickly as possible, as well as the possibility of determining the repayment period according to your monthly budget.

We should also note the existence of a personal loan with ID card only, where you can benefit from these loans without being restricted by complicated conditions.

If you are interested, dear reader, in learning more about applying for an online personal loan, just follow our next article:

Keywords that will be repeated in our article:

  • Applying for an online personal loan.
  • Applying for an online personal loan through the National Bank.
  • Personal loan for the unemployed.
  • Immediate online financing.
  • Personal loan with ID card only.

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Applying for an online personal loan through the National Bank

Applying for an online personal loan through the National Bank
Applying for an online personal loan through the National Bank

Dear Customer, you can benefit from the various banking services provided by the National Bank. All you have to do is apply for an online personal loan through the National Bank.

The National Bank plays a significant role in developing and enhancing the banking sector, making it an ideal partner for many people’s banking lives.

In addition to its constant ability to keep up with ongoing developments around the world.

Undoubtedly, its wise leadership, management, and future vision have made it a significant pioneer.

It’s useful to emphasize that the National Bank aims to satisfy all customers by encouraging and urging them to invest through facilitating financial transactions.

In addition to providing many banking services and advantages, the most important of which is the exemption from administrative fees.

And a lot of offers to meet the needs and desires of all customers.

All you have to do is apply for an online personal loan and enjoy the best advantages.

Read more: personal loan for residents without salary


Personal Loan for the Unemployed

Personal Loan for the Unemployed
Personal Loan for the Unemployed

Some unemployed youth may want to start their professional life, but they lack a source of funding.

They fear applying for an online personal loan due to the difficult and obstructive conditions imposed by banks, especially for those without a job.

But now, dear reader, you can apply for a personal loan for the unemployed to fund your project without being restricted by difficult conditions.

It’s worth mentioning that a personal loan for the unemployed has several advantages:

  • You are given a full year’s grace period to repay your loan, provided that you pay the interest.
  • The borrower gets insurance valued at one full year against the loan, provided that the repayment period does not exceed 5 years.
  • The borrower gets multiple facilities, according to the bank they borrow from, within the framework of supporting youth and providing job opportunities for them.
  • There are many banks that help you finance your own project, and this does not require you to be employed in any public or private sector.

However, many in Saudi Arabia wonder about the banks through which they can obtain a personal loan for the unemployed.

The Saudi banks that offer a personal loan for the unemployed are:

  • Saudi French Bank.
  • SABB (Saudi British Bank).
  • Social Development Bank.
  • Riyad Bank.
  • Emirates Bank in Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudi Investment Bank.
  • Alinma Bank.
  • Al Rajhi Bank.


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Personal Loan with ID Card Only

Personal Loan with ID Card Only
Personal Loan with ID Card Only

Many young people will face significant difficulty in finding employment opportunities after completing their university studies.

On an operational level, they will resort to starting their own projects, expecting them to be profitable.

From another perspective, starting any project will require capital to achieve it and to yield the desired goal.

It should be noted that you can obtain a personal loan with just an ID card, to help you provide the necessary financial liquidity.

Consequently, you will be able to continue funding your small project, ensuring its sustainability for the longest possible period.

Anyone residing in Saudi Arabia can apply for a personal loan with just an ID card through an ATM that supports this service.

But the question arises: What are the conditions for obtaining this loan?

If you apply for an online personal loan with just an ID card from Al Rajhi Bank, the conditions imposed on you will be:

  • The age of the applicant for a personal loan with just an ID card must be between 18 and 60 years.
  • Bring a copy of the ID card, in addition to providing several personal photos.
  • Adhere to repaying the loan exactly on time, positively achieving services, and always striving for the better.
  • Those who receive personal financing from this bank must seize the opportunity to start a project, make a profit from it, in order to repay the full amount to the bank.
  • The bank examines the monthly pensions of the borrowers to determine how they carry out the repayment process, and based on that, imposes conditions on them.
  • If you are employed and your salary is 2,000 Saudi Riyals, you can obtain the loan from the bank.
  • If you have completed the practical stage, and your salary is about 19,000 Saudi Riyals or more, then you can obtain the loan.
  • You must provide a guarantee to the bank in exchange for obtaining the loan, which can be in the form of a property, land, a commercial shop, or anything else accepted by the bank.

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Immediate Online Financing

Immediate Online Financing
Immediate Online Financing

All banks in Arab countries strive to give all their members the opportunity to obtain financing. If you are suffering from financial difficulties or a financial crisis that affects your life, you can directly request immediate online financing. The bank will consider your personal circumstances, including your employment status, and will give you enough time to repay those debts by setting a suitable payment plan. The conditions for granting you financing may vary depending on the bank you borrow from.

For example, if you wish to obtain immediate online financing from Al Rajhi Bank, it will grant you a repayment period of up to 60 months, taking into account a set of conditions:

  • You must not be over 60 years old when you pay the last amount of this financing, in case you are employed.
  • If you are retired, it is necessary not to exceed 70 years of age.
  • You should have a monthly income of 20,000 Riyals and above.
  • In the case of retirement, your monthly income should not be less than 19,000 Saudi Riyals.
  • Your employer should be among those accredited by the bank.

If all the above conditions apply to you, you can visit their nearest branch or fill out the application form on their website here. You must have a set of documents:

  1. You must possess Saudi national identity or residency.
  2. In addition, a financing application form.
  3. And also proof and definition of salary.

Keywords repeated in our article:

  1. Applying for an online personal loan.
  2. Personal loan for the unemployed.
  3. Immediate online financing.
  4. Personal loan with ID card only.


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At the end of our article, we have provided you with everything related to applying for an online personal loan. We hope that our article has pleased and satisfied you.

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